White Spritz Vermentino Wine Cocktail Recipe
Wine in a can is the latest innovation from us here at Scarborough Wine Co. We’ve chosen some of the wines featured in our Offshoot Range of wines, which are lighter and aromatic, the perfect wines to enjoy while you’re out and about. These wines are the same quality that you expect from Scarborough Wine Co, just packaged up in a convenient serving size, ready to be chilled in a fraction of time it takes to chill a bottle and perfectly portable for all your outdoor summer adventures.
If you’re planning on going camping, a picnic at the park or just thinking about mixing up a wine cocktail, our new wines in a can are perfect for every occasion.
Our cellar door team have been hard at work creating a wine cocktail that is a perfect summer spritz with our White Spritz in a can. You’ll find the recipe below. Gather your friends and try it out and don’t forget to share your pictures with us on Instagram @scarboroughwines
125ml (½ can) of Scarborough White Spritz Vermentino
100ml of Capi Lime Soda with a hint of lake salt
15ml Dry Vermouth (a generous dash)
Garnish with mint leaves and lemon slices
1. Open your can of wine and fill your glass with 125ml of Scarborough White Spritz Vermentino
2. Add the Capi Lime Soda with a hint of lake salt
3. Add the Vermouth
4. Fill your glass with a generous handful of ice and garnish with mint leaves and lemon slices
Scarborough White Spritz
Refreshing Vermentino; a zesty white wine bursting with fruity, floral notes and a touch of bubbles. A dry and delicious white wine. Best served chilled. How does it taste? Think of a mix of Nashi Pear and lime. Crisp, vibrant, and balanced with fruit acidity and light, delicate bubbles. Crisp clean and refreshing on the palate. Mix it up and add some other flavours, making it a great cocktail ingredient.
You can explore some other cocktail recipes using these new wines, including our Rosé Spritz cocktail, Light White Chardonnay cocktail and our Light Red Tempranillo Joven cocktail.
Looking for some of the best picinic spots in Sydney to enjoy your wine in a can? Check out this blog post.